Kyoto Brewing Company Yosano Homecoming (Yosano E Satogaeri)

Yosano Homecoming (Yosano E Satogaeri)


Kyoto Brewing Company in Kyoto-shi, Kyoto, Japan 🇯🇵

Farmhouse - Saison Regular
ABV: 5.5% IBU: 18 Ticks: 3
現代のビール醸造において特徴的なことの一つは、ほとんどの場合季節や条件を問わず造れることでしょう。季節的な温度変化だけでなく、その年の麦芽やホップの出来に合わせて調整するため安定した品質の製品を造ることはもちろん簡単ではありませんが、現代的なワイナリーや日本酒の酒蔵ほどではないでしょう。 そういうこともあり、毎年京都北部の与謝野町で育てられ収穫されたフレッシュホップを使ってビールを仕込むのを楽しみにしています。このビールのおもしろいところは、現在ほとんどの醸造所で使われる乾燥ホップやペレットホップとは違い、ホップを畑から直接摘んで24時間以内に仕込釜に投入したことです。酵母がいつ手に入るかによって仕込みのスケジュールを決めるとうことは、仕込みの数日前にしかどの品種が手に入るのかを決められないということです。多くのことをホップの神様とその恵みである品質にゆだねています。 与謝野ホップ生産者組合と親交があり、ホップ畑にも近いおかげで、私たちはより一般的に販売されている冷凍パックの代わりに、本物の京都産のフレッシュホップを使うことができる数少ない醸造所です。これはホップが本来の”新鮮な”特徴をより保持しているということです。今年のChinookはいつもの青く草っぽいフレッシュホップの特徴の上に素晴らしい桃のニュアンスがあります。このアロマとハウスイースト、Spelt小麦が非常によく合わさり、収穫した価値のある複雑でありながら飲みやすいビールになりました! 収穫に協力してくださったビアカフェ麦潤の久保田潤さん、ジュリアンとノブ・カウドロン夫妻(宮津で醸造所Kohachi Beerworksの開業に向けて準備中)に感謝します。

名前の由来: 初めて与謝野産のホップを使ってから5年、2015年のフレッシュホップの初仕込み以来初めてChinookを収穫しました。いろいろな意味で今年は与謝野のホッププロジェクトに参加することへの原点に返るように感じました--一種の帰郷です!

スタイル: フレッシュホップセゾン
モルト: Pilsner, Spelt
ホップ: ビタリング - Chinook, 味・アロマ - Fresh Chinook(与謝野産)
酵母: Belgian Ale
ABV: 5.5%
IBU: 18 (注:苦みの分析検査を受けていない生ホップを使用しているため推定値です)
ガスボリューム (炭酸ガス含有量): 2.4

One unique characteristic of modern beer brewing is that, for the most part, it can be carried out in any season under any conditions. Changes to each year’s hop and malt harvest, as well as seasonal temperature fluctuations, do of course make product consistency difficult, but to a much less extent than the methods used by most modern wineries and sake breweries. That is part of the reason that our yearly brew using fresh picked hops grown locally in the Town of Yosano in northern Kyoto is so exciting for us. Unlike the dried and pelletized hops that most modern breweries use, this brew is unique in that we pick hops straight off the bine and use them in the kettle within 24 hours, forgoing all forms of processing. Scheduling the brew based upon yeast availability also means that we only find out what varieties are available a few days before the brew, if not the day of. In many ways, we are at the mercy of the hop gods and the quality of their bounty. Due to our good relationship with the Yosano Hop Growers Guild, as well as our proximity to the hop fields, we are one of the few breweries using Kyoto hops that are using truly fresh hops instead of the packaged frozen ones more commonly available. That means that the hops retain more of their true “fresh” character. This year’s Chinook was great with hints of peach on top of the usual green and grassy fresh picked character. These aromas blended very well with our house yeast as well as the addition of Spelt, making an easy drinking yet complex brew worthy of the harvest! Special thanks to Jun Kubota (Beer Café Bakujun) and Julien and Nobu Caudron (looking to start their own brewery Kohachi Beerworks コ八醸造 in Miyazu) for helping with the harvest.

Naming: It has been five years since we first started using hops grown in Yosano, and the first time since brew number one in 2015 that we have picked Chinook from one of the original fields. In many ways, this year felt like going back to our roots of involvement with their hop project--a homecoming of sorts!

Style: Fresh Hop Saison
Malt Bill: Pilsner, Spelt
Hops: Bittering - Chinook, Flavour/Aroma - Fresh Chinook (Yosano Grown)
Yeast: Belgian Ale
ABV: 5.5%
IBU: 18 (note: this is an estimate due to the hops being freshly picked and not undergoing analysis for their bittering potential)
Gas Volumes: 2.4

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Appearance - 7 | Aroma - 7 | Flavor - 7 | Texture - 7 | Overall - 6.5

slightly funky nose, wheat and floral notes in the background. Modestly hoppy mouth. Slightly tart. But mouthfeel leaves a bit to desired. Ok

Tried on 27 Dec 2020 at 12:45

Appearance - 8 | Aroma - 8.5 | Flavor - 8.5 | Texture - 8 | Overall - 8.5

Lovely stuff. Soft and fruity, nice saison feel. Berries and light creaminess. Something coconut like but not in a nasty way. Very nice stuff

Tried on 27 Sep 2020 at 13:43

Appearance - 8 | Aroma - 7 | Flavor - 7 | Texture - 6 | Overall - 7.5

Bottle from the brewery. Almost clear gold, touch of hop haze, with as tall, fine, rocky head. Nose is bready malts with honey, spicy yeast, grassy, lemony hops. Malty flavor, bready, yeasty spice, lemony hops. Rather full body. Yosano hops fail again to impress much. Decent saison though a bit heavy.

Tried from Bottle on 22 Sep 2020 at 09:05