Established in 1996

Oak Pond Brewing Company

Microbrewery in Skowhegan, Maine, United States πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

101 Oak Pond Rd
Skowhegan, ME

+1(207) 474-3233
[email protected]

Oak Pond Brewery (OPB) opened in 1996 as the first brewery in 115 years in Skowhegan, Maine. The brew house, a 14 barrel system from Prince Edward Island, Canada is housed in a converted chicken barn on Oak Pond Road. In 2003, Don and Nancy Chandler of Canaan became the new owners of the brewery. Today Nancy operates the brewery with her son Adam, the head brewer. OPB produces about 500 barrels of beer a year for local distribution.


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