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Appearance - 8 | Aroma - 7 | Flavor - 5 | Texture - 6 | Overall - 5.5

Bottle enjoyed at Cantillon. Light amber pour with no real head. Musty kinda moldy bouquet. Whoa, that’s a trip. It’s like I’m actually drinking a moldy, acidic, sour lemon concoction. It has carbonation and most definitely an insane amount of dankness. The amphoras must be really old and probably grotesque. Not my jam. Average body and mouthfeel.

Tried from Bottle at Brasserie Cantillon on 19 Nov 2022 at 12:42

Appearance - 8 | Aroma - 9 | Flavor - 9 | Texture - 9 | Overall - 8.5

Bottle enjoyed at Cantillon. Clear yellow pour with a fleeting white head. Light and interesting whiskey bouquet. Oh man, this is really good. It has mellow mature whiskey highlights that blend seamlessly with the orange citrus notes. It’s balanced, complex, lively and delicious. Not overly carbonated but not flat, just right. Great body and mouthfeel.

Tried from Bottle at Brasserie Cantillon on 19 Nov 2022 at 12:34

Appearance - 8 | Aroma - 9 | Flavor - 9.5 | Texture - 9 | Overall - 9

Bottle enjoyed at Moeder Fontainas. Clear garnet pour with a small pinkish/white head. Loads of grape on the nose. Mouthfeel is dry but not astringent. Lots of prickly carbonation. Outstanding Barbera (red vinous) highlights. This is fantastic and right up my alley. The sour barnyard and horse blanket notes take a back seat to the grapes but nevertheless provide depth and character. Great mouthfeel and body. Bravo….

Tried from Bottle at Moeder Lambic Fontainas on 18 Nov 2022 at 20:47

Appearance - 8 | Aroma - 9.5 | Flavor - 9 | Texture - 9 | Overall - 9

On tap at Ammutsøn. Golden yellow pour with a white head. Wow, super floral with massive fresh cracked black pepper overtones. This actually really amazing. Super floral with fanatic barn notes and mild but super complimentary black pepper. This is a real stunner. Great body and mouthfeel.

Tried from Draft at AmmutsØn on 25 Sep 2022 at 16:28

Appearance - 8 | Aroma - 8.5 | Flavor - 9 | Texture - 8 | Overall - 8

Bottle. Clear light pink pour with a white head. Bubblegum vinous bouquet. Great vinous notes. Kinda on the sweeter side with almost no funk or barnyard. Good body and mouthfeel.

Tried from Bottle on 30 Jul 2022 at 00:17


50belair updated a beer: Canti Fonte Pasta E Basta brewed by Brasserie Cantillon
1 year ago

Appearance - 9 | Aroma - 8 | Flavor - 9 | Texture - 8 | Overall - 9

Bottle. Dark garnet pour with a white. Mild vinous bouquet. Nice fruit characteristics, not overly sour, nice malty backbone. Dry in the finish with a bit of heat. Good body and mouthfeel.

Tried from Bottle on 03 Jun 2022 at 23:30

50belair has a new beer style achievement emoji_events

Level 7 for Lambic Style ticks with a total of 100 ticks of this master style.
Canti Fonte Pasta E Basta from Cantillon was the one that did it!
1 year ago

Appearance - 8 | Aroma - 7 | Flavor - 8 | Texture - 8 | Overall - 8

Bottle. Clear yellow pour with a white head. Muted barnyard nose. Mild funk, mild barnyard, mild white vinous notes. It’s complex but not overly so, it’s good but not mind blowing. Good body and mouthfeel.

Tried from Bottle on 03 Jun 2022 at 22:55